Afrique Media, victim of french media attacks.

Since its creation to counter the ever negative reports by Western Media and educate Africans of their true history, the Pan-African television Afrique Media has faced ceaseless attacks from the West.
As one of the countries with the ugliest colonial past on the African continent, France which is gradually losing its position in nearly all its former African colonies has switched to a media war against the Pan-African Television , Afrique Media.

The "Marianne" magazine, in one of its recent publications, points an accusing finger at the Pan-African media for "misinforming Africans at the benefit of Russia". Forcing pundits to wonder if Russia does not have the right to cooperate with Africa.
The article cites that Afrique Media is helping Russia in building its influence in Africa. However, the double standards and atrocities orchestrated over the years by France in its former colonies are what has invited the presence of what many have described as a 'rescue mission', by Russia.
Anti-French sentiment in Africa
France has been accused by experts of keeping its former colonies in abject poverty while depriving them of their mineral resources and stiffening their growth.
France's relationship with its former African colonies has grown increasingly tense in recent years. Despite ongoing efforts by French security forces since 2013, the security situation in the Sahel region has remained fragile. But why hasn't the situation improved?
It is simply because France which has the highest military presence in the Sahel region and has frequently been accused of double standards and atrocities against civilians.
This has led to an evident increase in anti-French sentiment in West Africa.
Amid the rising suspicions of France's intentions in the Sahel and its treatment of G5 leaders, analysts say many of the region's more vulnerable communities welcome any strong international presence.
Thus, the presence of Russia has been seen by many communities in Africa as a rescue mission against France.
"France should stop minting our currency, put an end to its sad and wicked system of financing armed rebellions, causing several million deaths in our countries," Prince Akpato ayo writes.
It is therefore right to say that, the Pan-African media, (made up of Afrique Media TV and its Afriquemedia Magazine International,) which has been accused of having connections with circles close to the Kremlin in Moscow, or participating in the so-called disinformation campaign has no blame over the misfortune of France in Africa. Rather, Afrique Media has only helped to shed light on the hidden agenda of France on the African continent.