Ethiopia / African Union : Experts meeting in Addis Ababa for the 3rd ordinary session of the Techni

Since 21 October 2019, the 3rd ordinary session of the Technical Committee on Agriculture, Rural Development, Water and Environment has been held at the African Union Headquarters in Ethiopia.
For 3 days (21-23 October 2019), rural experts met to exchange experiences, but also and above all to take stock of the evolution of the various programmes implemented throughout the African continent. According to expert Dr Modibo Traoré, a specialist in animal and reproductive health breeding, several topics were discussed, including the reports prepared for the selection of centres of excellence for the African Union in fisheries and aquaculture. The latter were chosen and supported by the African Union, so that they in turn could share their experiences with their respective populations. In the same vein, food safety centres have been selected. Because according to Dr. Traoré, this is an essential component of veterinary public health. It is the place where inspections of all foodstuffs are carried out, to ensure the good health of the population. These centres have been chosen to support the implementation and effectiveness of the Continental Free Trade Area (ZLEC). To this end, African countries are required to comply with international export and import standards. They must therefore be equipped to ensure a healthy and safe diet for African populations.

Other programmes were also presented, including what the African Union should bring to the table in terms of predator control, crop protection against aflatoxins, livestock development policy, animal health development strategy, etc.
These reports will therefore be submitted to the ministers who have the heavy responsibility of validating them or not. If validated, these recommendations will in turn be submitted to the Heads of State at the next summit of African Union Heads of State scheduled for 2020 in Addis Ababa.