Speech by H.E. Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, President of Uganda, at the CAADP Extraordinary Summit
Excellencies, the Heads of state andheads of delegations to this CAADP Summit, Ladies and gentlemen. Greetings and you are most welcome...
African union: experts critically analyze the biennial review process
Five (5) days is the time available to a group of experts on the implementation of the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development...
Nairobi / African Union: 15th meeting of the ACAP partnership platform
Improving intra-African trade and market access to accelerate the transformation of agriculture is the primary objective of the African...
Nairobi / Union Africaine : 15e réunion de la plateforme de partenariat de l'ACAP
Améliorer le commerce intra-africain et l'accès au marché pour accélérer la transformation de l'agriculture, est l’objectif premier du...
Nairobi / 15th pp of the PDDAAA: ministerial session on the transformation of agriculture in Africa
"Improving trade and market access to accelerate agricultural transformation" was the theme of the first high-level ministerial forum...